
Also seen in the press



Yhap, N, Ward J. - Hidradenitis Suppurativa - BAMP Bulletin Issue 194 June - July 2018

Nelson, O.J., WardJ., Forde A. L., Ojeh N. – Keloids: Current Therapies in Barbados – West Indian Medical Journal March 2016

Wolfe S.A., Ghurani R., Podda S., Ward J., - An Examination of Post-Traumatic, Post-Surgical Orbital Deformitites: Conclusions Drawn for Improvement of Primary Treatment – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 122(6):1870-1881, December 2008

Garri JI, Linder J, Low C, Ward J., - Sequencing of Panfacial Fractures– Plastic Surgery Hyperguide Tutorial: August, 2008

Ward, Judy L. MBBS; Garri,Joe I. MD, DMD; Wolfe, S. Anthony MD Posterior Movements of the Maxilla. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 18(4):882-886, July 2007

Ward, Judy MBBS ; Podda,Silvio MD +; Garri, Joe I. MD, DMD; Wolfe, S. Anthony MD; Thaller, Seth R. MD,DDS Chin Deformities. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 18(4):887-894,July 2007

Ward,JL, Garri, JI , Wolfe SA, The Osseous Genioplasty. Clinics in Plastic Surgery: July, 2007; 34(3): pp. 485-500

Ward J., Clarke H., Klaiman P.  Abstract - Assessment of Speech Outcomes in Patients Presenting Late for the Treatment of Clefts of the Secondary Palate - A Pilot Study: Canadian  Journal of  Plastic Surgery (13)2: 111 2005

Mahoney J., Ward J:Surgical Debridement in Wounds. Surgery in Wounds, Chapter 6, pg 66-72, Springer, Berlin, 2004


2018 – Caribbean College of Surgeons – St. Kitts W. I

Yhap N., Ward J. – Mandible Fracture Audit in Barbados

2018 – Caribbean College of Surgeons – St. Kitts W.I

Ward J. – Management of Non-melanotic Skin Cancer in Barbados

2015 – Caribbean Aesthetic Surgery Workshop – Barbados W.I.

Yhap N., Ward J. –The Epidemiology, Patterns and Treatment of Mandible Fractures at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital

2015 – Caribbean Aesthetic Surgery Workshop – Barbados W.I.

Ward J. – Breast Reductions – Vertical Scar Technique Modified for Massive Reductions

2010 – Caribbean Aesthetic Surgery Workshop – Barbados, W.I.

Powlett C., Ward J. Review of Congenital Encephaloceles

2008 – Caribbean Aesthetic Surgery Workshop – Tobago, W.I.

Ward J. Starting a Plastic Surgery Practice in the Third World

2008 – Caribbean Orthopaedic Society – Barbados, W. I.

Ward J. Brachial Plexus Injuries

2007 - Rhinoplasty Society Meeting – New York, NY, USA

Ward J., Wolfe S.A. Use of the Columella Base Incision in Open Rhinoplasty

2007 - Florida Cleft Lip & Palate Society Meeting –Miami, FL, USA

Ward J., Wolfe S.A.  Clinical Use of Abbé Flaps

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