Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Many factors cause the skin to wrinkle and sag (i.e., exposure to the sun, genetics as well as the natural aging process). Children and young adults have smooth, round faces due to fatty tissue that is evenly distributed throughout the contours of the face. As you age, the skin sags and fits more loosely. These folds can become prominent, especially around the eye, forehead, mouth, chin, and neck.

Botox & Fillers

Botox causes temporary paralysis of the muscles thereby alleviating the associated skin wrinkle from that area. Fillers increase the volume of the tissue thereby smoothing any depressions or wrinkles in the skin.

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Brow Lift

A brow lift reverses the effects of gravity on the forehead by tightening of the skin to restore a more youthful appearance of the brow.

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Chin (Genioplasty)

Reshaping or repositioning of the chin to achieve better facial harmony.

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Eyelids (Blepharoplasty)

Surgical correction of "droopy" eyelids which may involve skin, fat or muscle.

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Face Lift

Surgical procedure to correct facial aging by tightening of the muscles of the face and excision of excess skin from the face and neck.

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Nose (Rhinoplasty)

Surgery which changes the shape of the bony and / or cartilaginous part of the nose to improve appearance or breathing. May be combined with a septoplasty which also improves breathing.

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