Body Contouring Surgery

Unleash your inner confidence, no matter if you’re looking to complete the journey after massive weight loss, starting to notice physical signs of aging or simply wanting to tighten up some areas.

Liposuction & Fat Grafting

Liposuction removes excess body fat to improve body shape and smooth any irregular contours. Additional fat may be added to any area which is deficient.

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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Pregnancy may cause separation of the abdominal muscle as well as skin laxity and stretch marks. Repositioning of the muscles and tightening of the skin envelope restores a pre-pregnancy appearance.

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Abdominal Reconstruction

Abdominal muscles may shift in position after major surgery because of an incisional hernia. Repositioning / rebalancing of the abdominal muscles is necessary to restore a normal appearance. The umbilicus is also reconstructed to restore a normal appearance.

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